Confederate Marine Corps Powered Combat Suit - 808 Variant[Project Winter]
Development Time: 45 Days
IDE: Flash Builder
Framework: Starling
Sound Effect Credits: Soundbox
Andrew Shcherbak
Sergey Eybog
Blue Corporation
Music Credits: SlipKnot - Duality
, Marilyn Manson - Resident Evil Main Title Theme (SX Long)
Inspired By: DOOM UI, COD:Infinite Warfare UI, Starcraft 2, Heart of the Swarm
Tutorials/Sources: Lynda via LinkedIn
Art Assets created by: @amandasaenz[amanda saenz] & I
Art Assets created in: Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator
Overall Goal: Implement a detailed User Interface with actionscript 3
Description: The implementation follows a marine from starcraft II. Since Starcraft II is a RTS and not a FPS I will
implement my own way or how I have imagined a CMC Marine suit. I want to implement a Ammunition, Suit, and Weapon management nodes.
I would also like to implement sound effects and a mission briefing system.
Engineering Overview of Implementation:
Rendered to the GPU and Optimized
Implements textures via a texture atlas
Photoshop / Illustrator Art Asset Creation
Actionscript 3 Interface and Class Programming
Vector 3D programming
Linear Algebra (rotation and matrix multiplication)
Animations via (Tweens, Movieclips, & Advanced Spline 2D/3D animations)
Recursive Tweens
Object Oriented Programming
Heavily event driven
Rendered to the GPU with textures
Uses Vectors and Arrays for object Containers